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Historic Commercial Vehicle Society

Membership Secretary, Rosedene, Tilburstow Hill Road, South Godstone, Surrey


Tel: 01342 894564


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What we do

The HCVS was the first commercial vehicle club to be formed in the 1958 and it certainly led the way. The Society has continued through the years as the largest organisation for historic van, lorries, buses, military and steam vehicles and this will continue under the trustees. An important part of the trustees duties is to a keep close watch on any new legislation from the UK or Europe which affects historic vehicles. Legislation is reviewed with the close co-operation of the Federation of Historic Vehicle Clubs (FBHVC). The HCVS has attended meetings with various authorities on a variety of subjects representing the lorry and bus movement and there are no restrictions or legislation which prevents the free use of our vehicles. Indeed with the FBHVC we often consider legislation before it reaches the consultation stage, the current MOT exemption proposals being a good example. The society represents the movement as a whole regarding historic commercial vehicles of all types whether their owners are members or not when it comes to legislation. Members of the HCVS will be kept in touch with any developments affecting their hobby, both internally and externally, through the Historic Commercial News which is will continue to be published 8 times a year. Whatever your interest in historic commercial transport, you'll find the Historic Commercial Vehicle Society will cater for your needs.
Disclaimer note: This entry is being maintained by the affiliate who should be contacted direct in the event of any query.
National Transport Trust, Old Bank House, 26 Station Approach, Hinchley Wood, Esher, Surrey KT10 0SR